Saturday, 24 January 2009

I see ... visitors from afar

So, on days when the wind howls and the snow swirls, when winter clings and spring seems months away, so on those days you may perhaps empathise with my grumpyness (or should that be with an i ??), so, on those days you might understand why I would stand up and confess to being a Grump, a Grouch and a generally unhappy bunny. This may even be more clearly understood if you accept that my MM's cat was sent to the big mousehunting land in the sky and I have had to support my MM for at least 10 days ... which is 9.5 days beyond normal endurance levels. So, in a general apology for my lack of bounciness, I posted a note on my friendly forum on Friday that I had been stressed and was somewhat of a moody person.
Today, Saturday, just around lunch time, I got a phone call from a friend who lives over 165 miles away, asking how I was and what I was doing. When I replied I was doing nothing she told me she had driven all the way down and was at a local coffee shop, just waiting to buy me a cake and a cup of coffee. At that point I knew how lucky I was .. this is a lovely friend met originally through knitting and the internet. She had bothered to down needles and put foot to pedal to visit ...

So we had our coffee and tonight she came over for dinner ... she knew I was shattered, so rather than impose she had booked into a local travel lodge and has now gone there. I shall see her tomorrow but, in the words of Yoda (my mentor from Star Wars) "Lucky, I am"

Happy, I am, so bed I shall go


1 comment:

suse-the-slow-knitta said...

awww, that's lovely!
sorry ...awww lovely, that's

or does that make Yoda sound Welsh?

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